Profile PicturePhil Pendlebury

MEAP - Multi Export Audio Pro application for Windows

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MEAP - Multi Export Audio Pro application for Windows

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MEAP is a tool for automating the process of exporting (to audio) all individual MIDI instrument and Audio tracks from your musical project.

You want to deliver all your parts (stems) to another studio, including all Send Effects and Master Output Bus processing:

Without MEAP you would have to sit and manually export each of your tracks, one at a time. This can take hours, even days!

I just want to export my stems and go to have coffee!

MEAP will enable the process to be done unattended.

It does not speed up the process of exporting tracks but simply eliminates the need for human interaction.

Note: MEAP works with Cubase & Nuendo up to and including version 13.

MEAP also adds some options that would be impossible to do without it:

  • Track listing to a text file
  • Screen Shots. Automatic naming of output files
  • Exporting between cycle markers and between single markers
  • Various useful locator setting options
  • Plus, much more…

Here are some of MEAP’s available locator settings which will affect the way files are exported from your project:

  • Locator Settings. MEAP will automatically set your locators for you:
    • All Project Range
    • Only the parts on each individual track
    • From the start of the project to the end of the parts on each track
    • From position zero in the project to the end of the parts on each track
    • From the first part on each track to the end of the project
    • Export each part separately on each track. Every part is exported and named separately
    • Export your project in sections as set by Cycle Markers
    • Export your project in sections between Single Markers
    • Add a nose and/or tail to your locator settings for catching reverbs and intro sections
  • File Naming. The exported files can have a large number of different useful naming conventions:
    • Use the project track name
    • Use your own default file name
    • Insert the number of each track and / or part starting from any number you choose
    • Insert the location of each part into the file name using whatever format you have displayed on the transport
    • Use custom file naming where variables can be inserted
    • Use the audio application default naming (for markers)
  • Advanced Options. Here are some of MEAP’s helpful advanced extra options:
    • Log all actions and exported files to a text file
    • Take a screen shot of the finished export
    • Automatically save new project before export
    • Bypass EQ, Inserts, Sends before export
    • Shut down your system after export is done
    • Send email when export complete

Why use MEAP when new Cubase & Nuendo do batch export?

Cubase’s batch export is a great new addition to the Cubase family. And it is very convenient to have it built into the audio application. However, as it is at the moment, you have the option to export your individual tracks but:

  • The batch export option is only available in the full version of Cubase. (Not AI or Artist).
  • There are no options for locator settings. So, all your files will be the same size from Left to Right locator, no matter what is on the track.
  • There is no option to export the individual parts from each track.
  • There are no advanced or custom file name settings. This is improving but it is not as comprehensive as MEAP yet.
  • There is no way to export marker sections. (Even Nuendo does not allow exporting between single markers).
  • There is no way to make a log file containing your export info.
  • There is no way to automatically save your project and shut down your DAW or send you an email when the export is finished.
  • When exporting stems from Cubase via the built-in method – exported stems are direct from the selected channel. Often this may be preferred but if you have any effects on the Master Output this will be ignored when using Cubase’s built-in batch export.

The above are just some of the reasons to continue using MEAP.

You can also view the YouTube video playlist here which contains information about how MEAP works:

MEAP Videos

For any queries or information about past orders please email: Phil

If you cannot find the information you are looking for or have any general questions – Please use the Discord

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30Days Guaranteed

MEAP is a complex product. It requires detailed setup and specific steps (in the manual) should be followed to get it working correctly. Support will assist you with very fast response times. However, if after you are not able to get MEAP working within 30 days, after being sure that all necessary steps have been taken, you may request a full refund.

Last updated Jan 8, 2024

MEAP - Multi Export Audio Pro application for Windows

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